Hello, I'm Yeaseen Arafat

Graduate Teaching Assistant at Kahlert School of Computing, University of Utah


More On Me

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Career Aspiration

A first-year PhD Student in Computer Science at the Kahlert School of Computing of The University of Utah under the supervision of Dr. Stefan Nagy in his FuTURES³ Lab, I am interested in Systems and Software Security. My current research focuses on building a fuzzing framework capable of programming language-agnostic mutation to amplify the correctness of compilers, decompilers, and transpilers by discovering bugs and their root causes, underscoring the augmentation of the robustness and reliability of programming language tools. Besides, I play, plus create write-ups of, CTFs and Wargames regarding Linux Privilege Escalation, Binary Exploitation, and Web and Network Systems.

Before this, I served as a Lecturer from 2019 to 2023 at the Department of Computer Science, Southeast University, and am currently on a study leave. Long before that, I had earned my BSc Engg. degree in 2019 from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology(BUET).

In the Twilight Zone, Last Bizarre Location: SLC, UT [UTC-0700]

Status: build:ok

My Expertise

Programming Language: C, C++, Python, Java, Typescript, Javascript, x86 Assembly, Wasm

Secuirity Tools: AFL, AFL++, Burp Suite, sqlmap, Havij, Snort

Frameworks: React, Node.js, Express.js, Android Native, JavaFX, Java Swing

Data Science & ML/DL: Tensorflow, Keras, NumPy, scikit-learn, Pandas, Matplotlib

Database: MongoDB, Neo4j, Oracle SQL, MySQL

Networking tools: ns-2, Wireshark, tcpdump, Packet Tracer

DevOps & PaaS: GitHub, Docker, REST API, GraphQL, Heroku

Blockchain tech: Ethereum, Smart Contracts, Solidity, Truffle Suite

Linux: System configuration, Linux Firewall, Shell scripting, Priviledge Escalation

RE tools: ghidra, Pwndbg, checksec, Ropper

Other tools: Nachos, Makefile, Latex, Flex, Bison, YACC

Digital System Design: MIPS, Logisim, Arduino, Node MCU, ATMega32, RaspberryPi 3


2019 - 2020

Yeaseen Arafat , Kazi Samin Yeaser, Ashikur Rahman, and Arnab Dasgupta.
A Machine Learning based Approach for Protecting Wireless Networks Against DoS Attacks.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Networking Systems and Security(NSysS 2020), December 22-24, 2020, Dhaka. (Acceptance Rate: 29%) Publisher: ACM, New York, NY, USA, 126–132.


NOTABLE Projects

IInstagram : Social media

Platform: MERN Stack

The objective of this project is to construct a comprehensive INSTAGRAM alike website utilizing the MERN stack. The scope includes the creation of a backend API using Node.js & Express.js, implementing JWT-based authentication, enabling image uploads to the cloud, employing Context API for state management, integrating React Hooks and React Router Hooks, securing routes/endpoints, implementing email communication, and incorporating features for password recovery and reset.

A subset of C compiler

Tools: Flex, Bison, Yacc

Within this project, I developed a comprehensive subset of a C compiler, crafting a SymbolTable data structure, Lexical Analyzer, Syntax Analyzer, Semantic Analyzer, and Intermediate Code Generator. Additionally, I implemented Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG) and Three-Address Code (TAC) for handling simple expressions in C++, utilizing Flex and Yacc-Bison as part of the CSE310 assignment at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, BUET.

EventPlanner : To manage events

Platform: MERNG Stack

This repository aims to create a Single Page Event Management application using the MERNG stack. It encompasses the development of a GraphQL-based backend API using Node.js and Express.js, incorporating JWT-based authentication. On the client side, React Typescript is employed, utilizing React Hooks, Context API for state management, React Router Hooks, and implementing route/endpoint protection.

ADD  Nachos, OS_Features

Tools: C++, Make

The OS-Build project is an expansion of Nachos, a UNIX-like operating system developed for educational purposes during my time in the OS Lab at BUET. The enhanced Nachos includes a) the integration of a consumer-producer program, b) the implementation of basic multiprogramming capabilities through System Calls [Exec, Exit, Read, Write], and c) a Virtual Memory Manager supported by Demand Paging and Page Replacement procedures, including Random Replacement and LRU Replacement without a Swapfile, and with SwapFile.

ML Projects

Tools: python

This repo covers the scratch-implementation of pattern recognition models and some renowned ML models. The assignments of CSE472 & CSE474 at BUET.

  • Decision Tree(ID3) with AdaBoost for Classification
  • Dimensionality Reduction using PCA and Clustering using EM Algorithm
  • Matrix Factorization for Recommender System
  • Binary and Multiclass Perceptrons, Artifical Neural Network
  • Channel Equalization, Template Maching

Angry Birds : A casual game

Language: C , Platform: iGraphics

This project involved creating a laid-back puzzle video game inspired by an Android game sharing the same title. Developed as part of the term project assignment for the C Programming Language Sessional course (CSE102) at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE), BUET, the game was implemented in C & C++ using iGraphics for the graphical user interface (GUI).

  • An extandable multilevel game within a fancy sound sytem.
  • Providing life lines and saved high score system.

Play & Learn : All about cognition

Platform: Android Native

I've developed a straightforward Android app designed for individuals facing developmental disorders. This app facilitates learning through play, incorporating an alert system to provide timely notifications for crucial tasks. There's significant potential to expand this version to incorporate various other ideas.

  • Multilevel modes of learning with attracting sound system for the children.
  • Can be extended to parental monitoring system.


Platform: React

This is a simple react app which gives a viewer current weather's vectors and forecasts of every 3 hours for the next five days based on your selected country and region. Among the vectors, current weather status, temperature, humidity and feels like are mentionworthy. To get the accurate data, OpenwWeather's specific rest apis have been used.

DDD: Drunk Driver Detector

Platform: Node ESP8266, MQ-5, DC Motor, LCD

This project aims to identify alcoholic drivers to prevent avoidable accidents. We have developed a system incorporating an MQ-5 gas sensor capable of detecting alcohol gas. When alcohol is detected, a green signal is illuminated at the rear of the LED. In our representation, we consider a motor as a vehicle. If the sensor registers any alcohol gas, this information is displayed on the LCD, and the system initiates a motor block. Essentially, this system serves as a detector for drivers under the influence of alcohol.

Amazon Echo : Home automation

Platform: Raspberry Pi 3, Amazon Alexa, Node ESP8266

Voice assistants are gaining popularity in the current era of AI and IoT-based systems. This technology allows users to remotely control lights and fans. In this project, we implemented voice-controlled home automation using Amazon Alexa on Raspberry Pi 3 and the ESP8266 node module.

  • Remote voice controlled system is available in the system.


Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Utah

  • CS4480 Computer Networks: <Spring 2024>

Lecturer, Southeast University

  • CSE4013 Computer Graphics and Animation: <Spring '20,'21,'22> <Summer '19,'20,'21,'22> <Fall '19,'20,'21,'22>
  • CSE3031 Operating Systems: <Spring '21> <Summer '19> <Fall '21>
  • CSE4011 Computer Networking: <Spring '20, '22> <Summer '19> <Fall '19, '20>
  • CSE3014 Microprocessor Design & Assembly Language Lab: <Summer '19> <Fall '22>
  • CSE161 Programming Language C: <Spring '23>


Graduate Teaching Assistant,
The University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
Jan, 2024 — May, 2024

Kahlert School of Computing,
Course- CS4480: Computer Networks

Graduate Research Fellow,
The University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
Aug, 2023 — Dec, 2023

Kahlert School of Computing,
Lab- FuTURES³ Lab

PhD Student,
The University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
Aug, 2023 — In Progress

Kahlert School of Computing,
Supervised By- Dr. Stefan Nagy

Co-founder && Administrative Director,
Chattogram, Bangladesh
Sep, 2022 — Present
Southeast University
Dhaka, Bangladesh
June, 2019 — July, 2023(On Leave)

Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering,
Dept. Chair- Shahriar Manzoor

Undergraduate Student,
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Feb, 2015 — Apr, 2019

Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering,
Thesis Supervised By- Dr. A.K.M. Ashikur Rahman

Technical Support Staff,
Alif Marine & Engineering Services LTD.
Chattogram, Bangladesh
Jan, 2012 — Dec, 2014

CEO- Tajul Islam

Contact Details